That 70’s Show

Tom Ford SS15

Ever since Tom Ford’s ridiculously sexy SS15 catwalk show, I have harboured the strongest of desires to rock a khol eye, shaggy fringe and huge flares. But then came Christmas and all that having to think of other people malarkey, so the flares have been stuck on the wish list until the end of a January that has been leaner than Tara Reid on a detox.

And then I remembered…about 5(!) years ago I bought some flared jeans in Tesco for the princely sum of £12. They fit in the way only flares can, making your legs look 10 inches longer and your thighs look 2 inches slimmer. But I never wore them. Fast forward 5 years and I’m frantically searching through my jeans trying to find them. And find them I did. And fit they do (massive bonus as they’re a size 10 and I’m a perennial 11). God, I’m excited.

Anyway, with flares found I popped over to Pinterest for outfit inspo and came across this little lot. Why oh why did we ever start wearing skinnies?

Flared Jeans Leather Jacket
Image from Pinterest
Flared Jeans Fur Coat
Image from Pinterest
Flared Jeans Outfits
Images from Pinterest
That 70’s Show